Sunday, July 8, 2012

Morning Bible Time

I get to brag on myself, a little bit.

... well, not really...

But I get to brag on GOD, which I like much better.

Bean, Bug and I have started doing morning bible time. Like, actually DOING it. Over the past 5-6 months, I have *wanted* to do it, and I have done it occasionally (read, every 5-10 days). But this past 2 weeks, I have actually been doing it.

Let me just tell you what a difference starting our day with God makes.

I am seeing more and more (and more and more and more) how important it is to start everything with praise and worship. I realized (I know, LIGHTBULB!!) a few months ago how important it was to go into prayer time and church all praised-up, but it just clicked with me that our days should start out the same way.
The Bible says "Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name," (Psalm 100:4, NIV). I don't know about you, but I'm figuring out I prefer to spend my entire day (and not just my Sunday, or my Tuesday night) in His courts.

Before (read, last month) I would send Bean and Bug to our playroom for their "play alone" time right after breakfast. This almost always ended in Bean being angry because she wasn't getting enough attention (rightfully so), and Bug standing at the gate, shaking it violently and yelling in her best prison-movie-riot-impression. They had too much energy, not enough Mommy, and definitely not enough Jesus to start their morning on a good note.

Let me tell you what we do NOW:

Eat Breakfast
Get Dressed
Bible Time!

Right now, this consists of:

Praise and Worship--- Usually 3 songs (although sometimes 4 or 5). Bean pretty much ALWAYS insists on "How He Loves Us" by John Mark McMillan (FYI- I personally think this is a MUCH better version than the more popular David Crowder redo).  She also really likes "Deep Cries Out" by Bethel). Bug usually tots in and out. She likes to shake her booty, so she's more patient with the fast songs. Although she's getting into cuddling and worshipping, too. She sits next to us and raises her hands up during the slow songs.

Prayer--- Short and sweet. Bean likes to thank God for "our wonderful day, all our friends, all our family, and Jesus amen." I pray for patience for ALL of us, good attitudes, etc. I think it helps Bean to hear me pray for help from Jesus for things I have been struggling with because we teach her to do that as well. She likes to pipe in during my prayer and say "I pray for patience with Mommy and Sister, too."

Bible Story--- We've been going over what we are studying as a family with Bible Study Guide for All Ages (right now, Joseph) and whatever other story Bean wants to hear. She's really into Jesus Calming the Storm right now, although today we also talked about how Jesus was sold for silver just like Joseph was. That kinda blew her mind.

(once "school" starts in August, I'm going to put all our character study into this time as well, but I'm easing myself into that... a first, for me!)

We start our day off this way, and it is (I was going to say magically, but) faithfully transformed. I find myself with more energy, a much better attitude, and MUCH more patience. My kids are better behaved, with an added bonus of having gotten a substantial amount of energy out of their systems during praise. Bean plans (yes, the 2 year old plans) what we will read about and worship to during Breakfast. It's a great moment for me to see her eating her cereal and having an out-loud debate with herself:
"Hmmm. I think I want to hear about Joseph. No, Jesus calms the storm. No, maybe Joseph. Maybe both. And we will listen to 'How He Loves Us.' And maybe 'Furious.' Or 'Mountaintop.'"

I will end with this (our latest memory verse; Bean mastered it a few days ago):
"I have written you words on my heart, O Lord, so that I might not sin against you." --Psalm 119:11

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