Saturday, November 10, 2012

Welcome to the World, Baby Boy!

As I'm sure everyone knows, we welcomed our third beautiful blessing into the world on November 1st at 10:42 am.

He is beautiful and perfect and I am so in love with him! Even though, clearly, he is not too in love with me in this picture. Hey, birth isn't easy for any involved. Even Hubby had to take a much more active approach this time around--- I'm sure he got a bit more of a *peek* than either of us would have preferred, but he did a great job and was really helpful!

Let me just get these answers out of the way:
No, we are not done now that we "got our boy."
Yes, we want more.
I have no idea when we will have more--- whenever God decides to bless us with another.
Yes, my hands are very full. Better full than empty!
No, we aren't trying to beat the Duggars (as if we're even close at this point, really) but we are aiming for a decent-sized hockey team ;)
Really, if your kids were this cute, you'd keep reproducing too
(Isn't his rockstar hair awesome! I love it...)

I was going to say everything went really quickly, but clearly the postpartum hormones are kicking in and already making me forget the 3 days of "prodromal" labor that happened before the super-quick actual labor. I had contractions (yes, real contractions--- painful, can't walk or talk contractions) every 10-40 minutes from Monday afternoon to Wednesday night. Luckily, I got to sleep Wednesday. I woke up at 6am thinking "Hm, no contractions all night. Maybe that's done with."

Well, my water broke about 5 seconds after that, so I guess I was kinda right! I called Nik to come home (because, of course, he had gone to work for the first time in 4 days--- and had literally just clocked in and sat down with his coffee, in that order) and my Mom to come over. By the time she got there around 6:20 I was having contractions about 3-5 minutes apart, strong, but not too bad.

We headed to the hospital around 7, got there about 8. By that time I couldn't walk or talk through the contractions. I got checked in, told the random person pushing my wheel chair "I'd like an epidural. Like yesterday."

The contractions were bad, but not as bad as I remember with Jordan. I puked around 9, and they totally changed quality (I guess that was *transition* or whatever--- I'm totally not up on this labor stuff.) I think I got the epidural around 10, at which point I kept telling the nurses I felt "funny," they checked me and said "Oh, you're ready to push." Like I said, totally not up on this labor thing--- I guess I'll know better for next time.

Everything else was a bit of a blur--- Nik had left the room for the epidural, and I guess I was REALLY ready because they started breaking everything down and calling the doctor and forgot that Nik wasn't there. I had to keep telling them "Go get my husband!"

He came in right as they had me start pushing. Like I said, he was a trooper--- I was really impressed considering he kinda hid like a deer in headlights with Jordan. Little Man was born only a few minutes later.

I felt really great after birth--- not too tired or worn out or grumpy or anything!

Everyone is doing really well. He had a little jaundice but is all cleared up. Little Bug was having some jealousy issues but she seems to be adjusting better now that I'm up and about more and am able to give her more attention. It's definitely an adjustment to be nursing instead of using bottles, but it's working out well. Thank God Nik is able to be home for 6 weeks, because I don't know what kind of craziness would be going on around here if I was trying to handle all three of them on my own already!

Love from us,

1 comment:

  1. Oh that is so awesome that he is able to be home for 6 weeks! And that pic of your mom, I thought it was you. In fact, I still can't tell if it's you or your mom, but it's a compliment to her! xoxo
    Love you guys. -Lauren B.R.
